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Update Concerning COVID-19

IV2020 will be delayed until October, 2020. Publication schedule will continue for the June timeline. Registration for final upload (May 15) will be delayed two weeks to May 15. For more information visit the Travel safety and COVID-19 page.

The 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2020) is a premier annual technical forum sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS). It brings together researchers and practitioners from universities, industry, and government agencies worldwide to share and discuss the latest advances in theory and technology related to intelligent vehicles.

Papers concerning all aspects of intelligent vehicles as well as proposals for workshops and specials sessions are invited for IV2020. Additionally, related technical Demonstrations and Exhibitions are welcome.

Important Dates:

November 20, 2019:     Proposal for special session/workshop
February 1, 2020:          Paper submission deadline
March 14, 2020:            Workshop paper submission deadline
April 1, 2020:                 Paper acceptance notification
April 24, 2020:               
Workshop paper acceptance notification
May 15 May 8, 2020:    Early registration deadline / Final Paper Upload Deadline
September 11, 2020:    Regular registration deadline (late registration available)
October 20, 2020:         Workshops
October 21-23, 2020:   Main conference
October 23, 2020:         Demonstrations


For more information, visit here.


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